

浏览: 编辑: 来源: 时间:2015年08月24日 08:08

蒙冕模,男,1987年出生,广西全州县人,博士(后),教授,博士生导师,研工部副部长(挂职),地大学者“青年拔尖人才(A类)”。担任《中国地质》首届青年编委Geofluids专刊客座主编、JMSE和Energies专刊客座编辑同时担任41个国际SCI期刊的审稿专家。担任国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家北京市自然科学基金评审专家湖北省科学技术厅科技专家库专家全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、中央高校基本科研业务费杰出人才培育基金1项、中央高校自主创新科研计划项目1项、“地大学者”人才岗位科研启动基金1项,参与多项国家自然科学基金项目和校企合作科研项目。以第一作者发表SCI论文21篇,其中2篇为ESI全球前1%高被引论文参加国际学术会议5次,作特邀报告2次,担任分会场主持人1次。研究方向为海陆非常规油气地质与工程,主要集中在非常规油气储层孔隙结构表征、孔隙流体赋存状态及可动性、自发渗吸对油气产出的影响规律及机制研究成果发表于JPSE,JNGSEEnergy & Fuels等一系列国际知名学术期刊。


Ø 20223至今:必赢626net入口,教授;

Ø 20239至今:我校(武汉)研究生院(党委研究生工作部),副部长(挂职);

Ø 20199—20222月:中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,师资博士后


Ø 20169—20199月:中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院,油气井工程,获博士学位;

Ø 20177—20188月:美国州大学奥斯汀分校杰克逊地质学院,联合培养博士;

Ø 20139—20166月:中国石油大学(北京)非常规天然气研究院,油气井工程,获硕士学位;

Ø 20079—20116月:我校(武汉)资源学院,石油工程,获学士学位。


1. 2024.01-2027.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目,陆相页岩储层渗吸诱发裂隙对渗吸驱油效率的影响机理研究,主持;

2. 2022.01-2024.12:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目陆相页岩油微观可动空间定量表征及主控因素研究,主持;

3. 2024.01-2024.12中央高校基本科研业务费杰出人才培育基金,主持;

4. 2022.04-2026.03地大学者人才岗位科研启动基金,主持;

5. 2020.01-2021.09:中央高校自主创新科研计划项目青年基金压裂液与储层的相互作用及其对页岩油产出的影响机理,主持。


1) Meng, Mianmo., Hu, Qinhong., Wang, Qianyou., Hong, Ziqing., Zhang, Lisheng. Effect of initial water saturation and water film on imbibition behavior in tight reservoirs using nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Physics of Fluids. 2024. 36(5). 056603.

2) Meng, Mianmo., Peng, Jichao., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Li, Xiaoming., Wang, Qianyou. Rock fabric of lacustrine shale and its influence on residual oil distribution in the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(10). 7151-7160.ESI全球前1%高被引论文

3) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Wang, Qianyou. Rock fabric of tight sandstone and its influence on irreducible water saturation in eastern Ordos Basin. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(5). 3685-3696.ESI全球前1%高被引论文

4) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Li, Zijian. Insight into water occurrence and pore size distribution by nuclear magnetic resonance in marine shale reservoirs, southern China. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(1). 319-327.

5) Meng, Mianmo., Li, Longlong., Yuan, Bao., Wang, Qianyou., Sun, Xiaohui., Zhang, Ye., Li, Dahua. Influence of overburden pressure on imbibition behavior in tight sandstones using nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2023. 145(7). 073302.

6) Meng, Mianmo., Zhang, Yaxiong., Yuan, Bao., Li, Zijian., Zhang, Ye. Imbibition behavior of oil-saturated rock: Implications for enhanced oil recovery in unconventional reservoirs. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(18). 13759-13768.

7) Meng, Mianmo., Li, Hao., Shi, Tingting., Ji, Wenming., Zhang, Ye. Insights into salt ion diffusion behavior in imbibed fluids and the source of salt ions in clay-rich shale from Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(9). 6524-6532.

8) Meng, Mianmo., Hu, Qinhong., Yuan, Bao., Ji, Wenming., Yuan, Mingliang. Quantitative comparison of T2 spectra from 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance methods in monitoring imbibition behavior of tight reservoirs. Journal of Energy Engineering. 2022. 148(6). 04022041.

9) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Wang, Leilei. Influence of rock fabric on salt ion diffusion behavior in Upper Cretaceous lacustrine shale from Songliao Basin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2022. 208. 109355.

10) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming. Evaluation of the pore structure variation during hydraulic fracturing in marine shale reservoirs. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2021. 143. 083002.

11) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Hu, Qinhong., Li, Longlong., Gao, Zhiye., Tian, Tonghui., Chao, Jing. The effect of clay-swelling induced cracks on imbibition behavior of marine shale reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. 83. 103525.

12) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Li, Longlong., Tian, Tonghui., Chao, Jing. The effect of clay-swelling induced cracks on shale permeability during liquid imbibition and diffusion. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. 83. 103514.

13) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming. Fractal characterization of pore structure and its influence on salt ion diffusion behavior in marine shale reservoirs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020. 45. 28520-28530.

14) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Li, Longlong., Yu, Jiayao., Li, Qinyu., Liu, Tongyuan., Li, Yunfeng. Estimation of the bubble influence on the imbibed liquid measurement during tight rock continuous imbibition. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2020. 142. 063002.

15) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ren, Fei., Ji, Wenming. A novel method for monitoring the imbibition behavior of clay-rich shale. Energy Reports. 2020. 6. 1811-1818.

16) Meng, Mianmo., Shen, Yinghao., Ge, Hongkui., Xu, Xiaosong., Wu, Yang. The effect of fracturing fluid saturation on natural gas flow behavior in tight reservoirs. Energies. 2020. 13. 5278.

17) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Wu, Yang., Xu, Xiaosong., Huang, Weihan., Li, Qinyu., Yu, Jiayao. Analyzing tight sand characteristics and its influence on aqueous phase removal by gas displacement. Geofluids. 2019. 2019. 1-18.

18) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Ren, Fei. Fluid saturation evolution with imbibition in unconventional natural gas reservoirs. Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization. 2018. 6. T849-T859.

19) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Wang, Xiaoqiong. Research on the auto-removal mechanism of shale aqueous phase trapping using low field nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2016. 137. 63-73.

20) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Shen, Yinghao., Su, Shuai. Monitor the process of shale spontaneous imbibition in co-current and counter-current displacing gas by using low field nuclear magnetic resonance method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015. 27. 336-345.

21) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Wang, Xiaoqiong., Chen, Lei. Investigation on the variation of shale permeability with spontaneous imbibition time: Sandstones and volcanic rocks as comparative study. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015. 27. 1546-1554.

22) 朱秀川, 胡钦红, 蒙冕模, 张军建, 张涛, 尹娜, 孙小惠, 晁静, 杜玉山, 刘惠民. 页岩储层渗吸过程中水的微观分布及其气测渗透率动态响应特征. 石油学报. 2022. 43(4). 533-547.

23) 陈扬, 胡钦红, 赵建华, 蒙冕模, 尹娜, 张晓贝, 许格非, 刘惠民. 渤海湾盆地东营凹陷湖相富有机质页岩纹层特征和储集性能. 石油与天然气地质. 2022. 43(2). 307-324.


1) Meng, Mianmo., Ji, Wenming. Water occurrence and its influencing factors in tight gas reservoirs, The 29th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences. Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. 2023.(Oral)

2) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Hu, Qinhong. Multiple-method pore structure characterization of Upper Cretaceous lacustrine shale from Songliao Basin in Northeast China, InterPore2020 International Conference. Qingdao, Shandong, China. 2020.Online Oral

3) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Li, Qinyu., Yu, Jiayao. The study of tight gas reservoirs imbibition by nuclear magnetic resonance, ARMA-CUPB Geothermal International Conference. American Rock Mechanics Association, Beijing, China. 2019.Oral

4) Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui. Investigation of imbibition in shale by nuclear magnetic resonance. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 2018.Poster

5) 蒙冕模. 非常规储层流体可动性定量评价. 首届地球能源前沿论坛. 武汉. 湖北. 中国. 2024.(特邀报告)

6) 蒙冕模, 葛洪魁, 胡钦红, 申颍浩, 纪文明. 陆相页岩储层离子扩散规律及其主控因素研究. 第八届油气成藏机理与油气资源评价国际学术研讨会. 北京. 中国. 2022. (特邀报告, 分会场主持人)


1) 蒙冕模, 申颍浩, 高启超, 陈建国, 任凯, 宿帅, 杨志辉. 一种适用于油类加压装置的防喷出油杯[P]. 北京:ZL201520025950.X, 2015-06-10. (实用新型专利)

2) 张涛, 蒙冕模, 尹娜, 孙小惠. 一种温压夹持装置[P]. 山东省:ZL202010478632.4, 2023-07-25. (发明专利)

3) 张涛, 蒙冕模, 孙小惠, 乔洪国. 高度可变的岩心柱的自吸加载装置及润湿性测量方法[P]. 山东省:ZL202010981679.2, 2022-07-12. (发明专利)

4) 张涛, 杨升宇, 蒙冕模, 马斌玉, 乔洪国, 朱秀川. 一种低渗岩石的驱替、稳态及瞬态渗透率测试装置及方法[P]. 山东省:ZL202010046083.3, 2022-08-02. (发明专利)

5) 杨柳, 葛洪魁, 申颍浩, 李曹雄, 王小琼, 任凯, 陈浩, 栾国华, 蒙冕模. 一种便携式自发渗吸测量装置[P]. 北京市: ZL201410328112.X, 2017-02-15. (发明专利)


Ø 国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家

Ø 北京市自然科学基金评审专家

Ø 湖北省科学技术厅科技专家库专家

Ø 全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家

Ø 地大学者青年拔尖人才(A 类)2022

Ø 《中国地质》首届青年编委,2023

Ø Geofluids专刊客座主编,“New challenges and advances in the unconventional oil/gas reservoirs characterization and development”2021-2022

Ø Journal of Marine Science and Engineering专刊客座编辑,“High-Efficient Exploration and Development of Oil & Gas from Ocean”2023(1st Edition),2023-2024(2nd Edition)

Ø Energies专刊客座编辑,“New progress in unconventional oil and gas development”2022-2024

Ø 担任多个国际SCI期刊的审稿专家,包括:Journal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringJournal of Natural Gas Science and EngineeringAAPG BulletinMarine and Petroleum GeologyPetroleum ScienceJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid EarthGondwana ResearchApplied Clay ScienceInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Energy & FuelsACS OmegaAdsorption Science & TechnologyCanadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringEnergy ReportsEnergy Science & EngineeringFrontiers in Earth ScienceFrontiers in Energy ResearchGeofluidsGeological JournalInterpretationJournal of Dispersion Science and TechnologyJournal of Energy EngineeringJournal of Porous MediaOpen GeosciencesPetroleum Science and TechnologyPlos OneSPE Reservoir Evaluation & EngineeringJournal of Geophysics and EngineeringCurrent Organic ChemistryProcessesApplied Sciences-Basel,Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine,Natural Resources ResearchEnergiesArabian Journal of ChemistryLithosphereJournal of HydrologyGeophysicsInternational Journal of Mining Science and TechnologyPhysics of FluidsMinerals等期刊。




Ø 博士后、博士研究生、学术型硕士、本科生:海洋科学(海洋地质方向)

Ø 专业型硕士:资源与环境(资源地质工程方向)





